Towers of Hanoi

This page provides an example of using the OakGP genetic programming Java framework to evolve suitable candidates for solving the "Towers of Hanoi" puzzle.
For an overview of OakGP please read the getting started with OakGP guide.
Problem Description
   User Defined Types
   Return Type
   Variable Set
   Constant Set
   Function Set
Java Source Code

Problem Description

The Towers of Hanoi is a game played with three poles and a number of discs of different sizes which can slide onto any pole. The game starts with all the discs stacked in ascending order of size on one pole, the smallest at the top. The aim of the game is to move the entire stack to another pole, obeying the following rules:


The following classes were created to represent the components of a Towers of Hanoi puzzle:

The following implementations of org.oakgp.function.Function were created for inclusion in the the function set used to construct a solution to this puzzle:

The fitness of potential solutions is determined by TowersOfHanoiFitnessFunction, which implements org.oakgp.rank.fitness.FitnessFunction.

The genetic programming run is configured in TowersOfHanoiExample using a org.oakgp.util.RunBuilder.


User Defined Types


Return Type

moveThe next move.

Variable Set

v0gameStateThe current state of the puzzle.
v1nullableType [move]The previous move. Will be null on first move.

Constant Set

polePole.LEFT, Pole.MIDDLE, Pole.RIGHT

Function Set

Return Type:boolean
Arguments:gameState, move

Return Type:integer
Arguments:gameState, pole

Return Type:move
Arguments:boolean, move, move

Return Type:move
Arguments:nullable [move], move, move, move, move, move, move, move

Return Type:boolean
Arguments:move, move

Return Type:boolean
Arguments:integer, integer

Return Type:boolean
Arguments:integer, integer

Return Type:boolean
Arguments:integer, integer

Java Source Code

package org.oakgp.examples.hanoi;

/** Represents the three poles on which discs can be placed. */
enum Pole {
package org.oakgp.examples.hanoi;

/** Represents the possible moves that can be used to attempt to solve the puzzle. */
enum Move {

   /** The pole to remove a disc from. */
   final Pole from;
   /** The pole to add a disc to. */
   final Pole to;

   private Move(Pole from, Pole to) {
      this.from = from;
      this.to = to;
package org.oakgp.examples.hanoi;

import java.util.Arrays;

/** Represents an individual state of a Towers of Hanoi puzzle. */
class TowersOfHanoi {
   private static final int NUM_POLES = Pole.values().length;
    * IDs of the discs, suitable for bitwise operations.
    * <p>
    * 1st element represents the smallest disc, 2nd element represents the medium size disc and the 3rd element represents the large size disc.

   private static final int[] DISC_IDS = { 1, 2, 4 };
   private static final int SUM_DISC_IDS = Arrays.stream(DISC_IDS).sum();

   private final int[] poles;

   TowersOfHanoi() {
      poles = new int[NUM_POLES];
      poles[0] = SUM_DISC_IDS;

   private TowersOfHanoi(int[] poles) {
      this.poles = poles;

   /** @return the ID of the upper (i.e. top) disc of the specified pole, or {code 0} if there are no discs on the pole */
   int upperDisc(Pole pole) {
      return Integer.lowestOneBit(poles[pole.ordinal()]);

    * Returns fitness value for the state represented by this object.
    * <p>
    * The more discs that are in their required position (i.e. correctly ordered on the middle pole) the lower the fitness value - so the lower the fitness
    * value the better. A fitness value of {@code 0} means all discs are on the middle pole (i.e. the puzzle is complete).
    * @return {@code 0} if the middle pole contains all the discs, or a positive number if the puzzle is not yet complete

   int getFitness() {
      int poleContents = poles[Pole.MIDDLE.ordinal()];
      for (int i = DISC_IDS.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
         if ((poleContents & DISC_IDS[i]) == 0) {
            return DISC_IDS[i];
      return 0;

   /** @return the result of applying {@code move} to the current state, or {code null} if the move is not valid */
   TowersOfHanoi move(Move move) {
      return move(move.from, move.to);

   private TowersOfHanoi move(Pole from, Pole to) {
      if (from == to) {
         // pointless move
         return null;

      int fromUpperDisc = upperDisc(from);
      int toUpperDisc = upperDisc(to);

      if (fromUpperDisc == 0) {
         // invalid move - cannot move a disc from an empty pole
         return null;
      if (toUpperDisc != 0 && fromUpperDisc > toUpperDisc) {
         // invalid move - no disc may be placed on top of a smaller one
         return null;

      // copy current state
      int[] updatedPoles = Arrays.copyOf(poles, NUM_POLES);
      // remove disc from pole
      updatedPoles[from.ordinal()] -= fromUpperDisc;
      // add disc to pole
      updatedPoles[to.ordinal()] += fromUpperDisc;
      return new TowersOfHanoi(updatedPoles);

   public int hashCode() {
      return Arrays.hashCode(poles);

   public boolean equals(Object o) {
      return o instanceof TowersOfHanoi && Arrays.equals(poles, ((TowersOfHanoi) o).poles);

   public String toString() {
      return Arrays.toString(poles);
package org.oakgp.examples.hanoi;

import static org.oakgp.Type.booleanType;
import static org.oakgp.examples.hanoi.TowersOfHanoiExample.MOVE_TYPE;
import static org.oakgp.examples.hanoi.TowersOfHanoiExample.STATE_TYPE;

import org.oakgp.Arguments;
import org.oakgp.Assignments;
import org.oakgp.function.Function;
import org.oakgp.function.Signature;

/** Determines if a move is a valid move for a particular game state. */
class IsValid implements Function {
   private static final Signature SIGNATURE = Signature.createSignature(booleanType(), STATE_TYPE, MOVE_TYPE);

   public Signature getSignature() {
      return SIGNATURE;

    * @param arguments
    *           the first argument is a {@code TowersOfHanoi} representing a game state and the second argument is a {@code Move}
    * @param assignments
    *           the values assigned to each of member of the variable set
    * @return {@code true} if the specified move is a valid move for the specified game state, else {@code false}

   public Object evaluate(Arguments arguments, Assignments assignments) {
      TowersOfHanoi gameState = arguments.firstArg().evaluate(assignments);
      Move move = arguments.secondArg().evaluate(assignments);
      return gameState.move(move) != null;
package org.oakgp.examples.hanoi;

import static org.oakgp.Type.integerType;
import static org.oakgp.examples.hanoi.TowersOfHanoiExample.POLE_TYPE;
import static org.oakgp.examples.hanoi.TowersOfHanoiExample.STATE_TYPE;

import org.oakgp.Arguments;
import org.oakgp.Assignments;
import org.oakgp.function.Function;
import org.oakgp.function.Signature;

/** Returns the ID of the next disc that would be returned from a particular pole for a particular game state. */
class Next implements Function {
   private static final Signature SIGNATURE = Signature.createSignature(integerType(), STATE_TYPE, POLE_TYPE);

   public Signature getSignature() {
      return SIGNATURE;

    * @param arguments
    *           the first argument is a {@code TowersOfHanoi} representing a game state and the second argument is a {@code Pole}
    * @param assignments
    *           the values assigned to each of member of the variable set
    * @return the ID of the upper (i.e. top) disc of the specified pole, or {code 0} if there are no discs on the pole

   public Object evaluate(Arguments arguments, Assignments assignments) {
      TowersOfHanoi gameState = arguments.firstArg().evaluate(assignments);
      Pole pole = arguments.secondArg().evaluate(assignments);
      return gameState.upperDisc(pole);
package org.oakgp.examples.hanoi;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.oakgp.Assignments;
import org.oakgp.node.Node;
import org.oakgp.rank.fitness.FitnessFunction;

/** Determines the fitness of potential solutions to the Towers of Hanoi puzzle. */
class TowersOfHanoiFitnessFunction implements FitnessFunction {
   private static final TowersOfHanoi START_STATE = new TowersOfHanoi();

   private final boolean doLog;

   TowersOfHanoiFitnessFunction(boolean doLog) {
      this.doLog = doLog;

    * @param n
    *           a potential solution to the Towers of Hanoi puzzle
    * @return the fitness of {@code n}

   public double evaluate(Node n) {
      TowersOfHanoi towersOfHanoi = START_STATE;
      Set<TowersOfHanoi> previousStates = new HashSet<>();

      Move previousMove = null;
      int previousFitness = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      while (true) {
         // update the puzzle with the next move returned from the potential solution
         Assignments assignments = Assignments.createAssignments(towersOfHanoi, previousMove);
         previousMove = n.evaluate(assignments);
         towersOfHanoi = towersOfHanoi.move(previousMove);
         if (doLog) {
            System.out.println(previousMove + " " + towersOfHanoi);

         if (towersOfHanoi == null) {
            // the last move was invalid - stop evaluating
            return previousFitness;
         if (!previousStates.add(towersOfHanoi)) {
            // the last move has returned the puzzle to a state it has already been in - exit now to avoid getting stuck in a loop
            return previousFitness;
         previousFitness = Math.min(previousFitness, towersOfHanoi.getFitness());
         if (previousFitness == 0) {
            // the puzzle has been solved - no need to keep evaluating
            return previousFitness;
package org.oakgp.examples.hanoi;

import static java.util.Collections.addAll;
import static org.oakgp.Type.integerType;
import static org.oakgp.Type.nullableType;
import static org.oakgp.Type.type;
import static org.oakgp.util.Utils.createEnumConstants;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.oakgp.Type;
import org.oakgp.function.Function;
import org.oakgp.function.choice.If;
import org.oakgp.function.choice.SwitchEnum;
import org.oakgp.function.compare.Equal;
import org.oakgp.function.compare.GreaterThan;
import org.oakgp.function.compare.LessThan;
import org.oakgp.function.math.IntegerUtils;
import org.oakgp.node.ConstantNode;
import org.oakgp.node.Node;
import org.oakgp.rank.RankedCandidates;
import org.oakgp.rank.fitness.FitnessFunction;
import org.oakgp.util.RunBuilder;
import org.oakgp.util.Utils;

public class TowersOfHanoiExample {
   static final Type STATE_TYPE = type("gameState");
   static final Type MOVE_TYPE = type("move");
   static final Type POLE_TYPE = type("pole");

   private static final int TARGET_FITNESS = 0;
   private static final int NUM_GENERATIONS = 1000;
   private static final int INITIAL_POPULATION_SIZE = 100;
   private static final int INITIAL_POPULATION_MAX_DEPTH = 4;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Function[] functions = { new If(MOVE_TYPE), new Equal(MOVE_TYPE), new IsValid(), new SwitchEnum(Move.class, nullableType(MOVE_TYPE), MOVE_TYPE),
            new GreaterThan(integerType()), LessThan.create(integerType()), new Equal(integerType()), new Next() };
      List<ConstantNode> constants = createConstants();
      Type[] variables = { STATE_TYPE, nullableType(MOVE_TYPE) };
      FitnessFunction fitnessFunction = new TowersOfHanoiFitnessFunction(false);

      RankedCandidates output = new RunBuilder().setReturnType(MOVE_TYPE).setConstants(constants).setVariables(variables).setFunctions(functions)
      Node best = output.best().getNode();
      new TowersOfHanoiFitnessFunction(true).evaluate(best);

   private static List<ConstantNode> createConstants() {
      List<ConstantNode> constants = new ArrayList<>();
      addAll(constants, createEnumConstants(Move.class, MOVE_TYPE));
      addAll(constants, createEnumConstants(Pole.class, POLE_TYPE));
      return constants;


Below are some examples of solutions generated by TowersOfHanoiExample.

  1. LEFT_MIDDLE [6, 1, 0]
  2. LEFT_RIGHT [4, 1, 2]
  3. MIDDLE_RIGHT [4, 0, 3]
  4. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 4, 3]
  5. RIGHT_LEFT [1, 4, 2]
  6. RIGHT_MIDDLE [1, 6, 0]
  7. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 7, 0]
  1. LEFT_MIDDLE [6, 1, 0]
  2. LEFT_RIGHT [4, 1, 2]
  3. MIDDLE_RIGHT [4, 0, 3]
  4. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 4, 3]
  5. RIGHT_MIDDLE [0, 5, 2]
  6. MIDDLE_LEFT [1, 4, 2]
  7. RIGHT_MIDDLE [1, 6, 0]
  8. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 7, 0]
  1. LEFT_MIDDLE [6, 1, 0]
  2. LEFT_RIGHT [4, 1, 2]
  3. MIDDLE_RIGHT [4, 0, 3]
  4. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 4, 3]
  5. RIGHT_LEFT [1, 4, 2]
  6. RIGHT_MIDDLE [1, 6, 0]
  7. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 7, 0]
  1. LEFT_MIDDLE [6, 1, 0]
  2. LEFT_RIGHT [4, 1, 2]
  3. MIDDLE_RIGHT [4, 0, 3]
  4. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 4, 3]
  5. RIGHT_LEFT [1, 4, 2]
  6. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 5, 2]
  7. RIGHT_LEFT [2, 5, 0]
  8. MIDDLE_RIGHT [2, 4, 1]
  9. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 6, 1]
  10. RIGHT_LEFT [1, 6, 0]
  11. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 7, 0]
  1. LEFT_RIGHT [6, 0, 1]
  2. LEFT_MIDDLE [4, 2, 1]
  3. RIGHT_LEFT [5, 2, 0]
  4. MIDDLE_RIGHT [5, 0, 2]
  5. LEFT_RIGHT [4, 0, 3]
  6. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 4, 3]
  7. RIGHT_LEFT [1, 4, 2]
  8. RIGHT_MIDDLE [1, 6, 0]
  9. LEFT_MIDDLE [0, 7, 0]
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